5 essential pieces of workwear your team needs all year round

5 essential pieces of workwear your team needs all year round

It’s no secret that lots of workwear is seasonal. Lighter T shirts and caps tend to be worn in the warmer, sunnier months, whereas thicker layers and heavier winter coats tend to be more strongly favoured in the darker, wetter and colder periods of the year. Here at City Workwear, we take pride in supplying a comprehensive range of workwear to equip your team all year round, guaranteeing fantastic quality at exceptional prices – and while lots of workwear tends to follow this broadly seasonal pattern, there are certain garments that you’ll indisputably need to have on hand all year round.

Polo shirts and short sleeve shirts

Polo shirts and short sleeve T shirts are without a doubt the staple workwear garments across a huge range of sectors. Hardy and durable, they offer plenty of freedom of movement, and help to keep their wearers cool and comfortable. That alone is enough to make them the go-to choice for team members working in offices, on shop floors, in more active customer-facing roles like gyms, or in industrial or commercial environments.

Whatever your team is doing, and whether they’re working indoors or outdoors, you can be sure that these customised workwear garments will really go the distance. What’s more, we have a variety of personalised workwear bundles focused on polo shirts and short sleeved T-shirts, such as our Pack 5 of 10 polo shirts.

Personalised workwear hoodies and sweatshirts

Here in the UK, we’re famed - or notorious - for our temperate and sometimes unpredictable weather, and we’re no strangers to rain or chilly winds even in the sunnier months of the year. That means that personalised workwear hoodies and sweatshirts are all but essential for your team. Not only do they help their wearers stay happier and more comfortable, but they’re also vital for safety and productivity too, as excessively cold temperatures can often lead to avoidable mistakes.

Coats and jackets

Speaking of the UK’s temperate weather, customised workwear jackets are another vital safeguard against the worst wind, snow, and rain. They’re particularly important for anyone working outside for extended periods over the course of their normal day, or anyone who is frequently out on site or out on the road.

Not only are coats and jackets useful for enduring the most common rain showers, but they can also protect the health of your team in especially extreme weather conditions throughout the year. In fact, depending on your circumstances, providing your team with appropriate coats and jackets can arguably be seen as part of your legal duty of care as their employer. It may not be applicable for every case, but it’s certainly something worth bearing in mind!

Hi visibility customised workwear

Continuing along the lines of safety and your legal duty of care, hi visibility workwear is an absolute necessity for anyone routinely working in or around areas of low light, or in the vicinity of moving vehicles, or anywhere that dangerous heavy machinery is being operated. That makes hi vis workwear a vital prerequisite for industrial and most commercial environments, and most employers agree that it’s covered under the Heath and Safety at Work Act 1974.

High visibility workwear in general may not be seasonal, but you’ve still got the option to tailor your team’s garments to different working conditions across the year. Here at City Workwear, we’ve got high visibility jackets available for all weathers, including popular high-vis vests, as well as heavier hi vis workwear jackets which provide all the safety benefits of high visibility workwear, combined with the practical advantages of a decent winter coat.

Specialist workwear

Another type of garment definitively covered by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, specialist workwear certainly isn’t seasonal - it’s an all-year essential if your team are regularly dealing with specific hazards. That means, for example, waders for anyone working in deep water or toxic environments, and flame-retardant or flame resistant workwear for anyone working in close proximity to fire.

Now, we know we don’t need to tell you a tonne about safety workwear - if members of your team are currently working in these environments, then you’ll have already invested in the most vital safety gear already. But if you need replacements, or you’re looking to outfit your team with other quality garments, then you’re in exactly the right place.

Our comprehensive range of workwear includes our personalised workwear bundle deals, each one providing you with a collection of high quality garments at the very best price. Our typical turnaround time between just 5 and 7 working days, so we’ll make sure you’re never waiting too long for your order either. You can start browsing our workwear bundles right here on our site, or if you’ve got any questions (or need any advice) just give us a call on 0330 004 0440, and we’ll be happy to see how we can help.