Happy construction workers

5 great ways to keep your team’s morale high this Spring

Spring is happily a relatively easy time to keep your team’s morale high – with the gloom of winter having finally (mostly) lifted, the sunnier weather has generally started to get everyone’s spirits up. So, what better time to kickstart a couple of initiatives to keep them cheerful throughout Spring and Summer? We’ve got a couple of great ideas for you here at City Workwear – as well as a brilliant range of workwear to help you implement them – including T shirts, polo shirts and incredible bundle deals. Here are our top suggestions to keep your team smiling throughout Spring!

Implement a flexible work schedule

This is one that can be a bit controversial (and sometimes not viable), depending on the nature of the business – but if you’ve got the capability to do it, there’s no better time to consider doing so than Spring. In short, you may want to embrace flexibility in your team's work timetable to make the most of the longer daylight hours and warmer weather. Allowing team members to adjust their working hours to enjoy the outdoors can often have a significant impact on their mood and productivity. Whether it's starting the day earlier for a longer lunch break or finishing work later to catch the sunset, a flexible schedule can help your team feel more energised and balanced.

Set up a designated outdoor workspace

This one is always charming when you can manage it – although let’s be honest, sometimes the UK weather doesn’t allow for it! If the Spring weather holds out though, you can advantage of it by creating a dedicated outdoor workspace where team members can collaborate and brainstorm while basking in the sunshine (of course, that’s if they’re not doing physical jobs outside already).

Whether it's a rooftop terrace, a garden patio, or simply setting up tables and chairs in a nearby park, providing opportunities for outdoor work sessions can invigorate creativity and foster a sense of camaraderie among team members.

Encourage sharing Spring adventures

We only get to enjoy this chilly-to-warm weather transition once every year, so why not make the most of it? You can incorporate Spring-inspired activities into your team's virtual meetings or communication channels to encourage bonding and camaraderie. If you’d like, you can also encourage team members to share photos and stories of their Spring adventures – whether it's hiking in the hills, picnicking in the countryside, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll in their local area. Creating a dedicated Slack channel or allocating time during meetings for these updates can also help remote team members feel more connected and engaged.

Bring Spring indoors

If the weather isn’t playing ball – and let’s be honest, sometimes that’s the case – then you can transform your office environment into a Spring oasis by bringing the outdoors inside. Thankfully, it’s not that tricky to do – one good way to do it is by adorning your workspace with seasonal flowers, plants, and vibrant colours, all of which can be really useful for creating a cheerful and uplifting atmosphere. You might also want to consider hosting a Spring-themed decorating competition where team members can contribute ideas and decorations to brighten up the office space.

Switch up Spring workwear styles

It’s something that a lot of people overlook, but the way you’re dressed can have a major influence on your mindset – which is one of the reasons why it can be so important to invest in quality team workwear.

After all, it’s more than just a seasonal update; it's an investment in their comfort, professionalism, and morale. Plus, there are lots of practical reasons for switching to lighter garments at this time of year. Anyone wearing inappropriately heavy clothing, like large coats for example, may run the risk of becoming sluggish, unfocused, and potentially even opening themselves up to the risk of heatstroke. Conversely, wearing lighter clothing helps your team to stay comfortable, safe and productive.

So, whether you’re looking for a rebrand, or you’re just planning on changing things up a bit for the new season, you’re in exactly the right place. At City Workwear, we have a huge range of garments to choose from – ranging from T-shirts and polo shirts and footwear. And as we’ve touched upon, all of our customisations are done in-house using our experienced team of designers and print machinists, so you can liaise directly with us to get exactly what you’re looking for. We also provide a FREE workwear printing and embroidery service and FREE delivery for orders over £150!

Feel free to take a look around our website to see what you can find, or alternatively give our team a call on 0330 004 0440, and we’ll be happy to help however we can!